Autonity Oracle Server Command-line

Command-line options and facilities of the Autonity Oracle Server

Command-line options

Autonity Oracle Server provides command-line options for displaying version and help information, and setting oracle server configuration.


Run autoracle --help to view the options:

COMMANDS: Description
version, v Print version information and default configuration
help, -h Shows a list of Oracle Server configuration options
ORACLE SERVER OPTIONS: Description Default Required?
-config The path to the oracle server configuration file oracle-server.config. “ws://” No
-key.file The path to the oracle server key file. (Defaults to testing key in /test_data/keystore) Yes
-key.password The password to the oracle server key file. (Defaults to password for testing key in /test_data/keystore) Yes
-log.level The logging level. Available levels are: 0: NoLevel, 1: Trace, 2:Debug, 3: Info, 4: Warn, 5: Error. 3 No
-plugin.conf The path to the data source plugins YAML configuration file plugins-conf.yml. ./plugins-conf.yml Yes
-plugin.dir The path to the DIR where the data source plugins are stored. ./plugins No
-tip The gas priority fee cap set for oracle data report transactions. Must be a non-zero value. 1 No
-ws The WS-RPC server listening interface and port of the connected Autonity Go Client node. “ws://” Yes