Deploy smart contracts to an Autonity network with Brownie
Deploying smart contracts to an Autonity network using Brownie, using an ERC20 token contract as an example
This guide uses Brownie and Python to deploy an ERC20 token contract based on the OpenZeppelin open source library.
Setup brownie
Using pipx or any other python package manager, install brownie:
pipx install eth-brownie
Add the testnet you would like to deploy the contract to:
brownie networks add Ethereum piccadilly host= chainid=65100003
Here we have used the Piccadilly testnet as an example. See here for other possible networks.
Install the OpenZeppelin package, which contains a base ERC20 token implementation:
brownie pm install OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts@4.8.1
Create the token project
mkdir token
cd token
brownie init
Create a file brownie-config.yaml
in the token
- OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts@4.8.1
version: 'v0.8.19'
- '@openzeppelin=OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts@4.8.1'
Create the token contract
Before you begin, decide upon a (unique) name <TOKEN NAME>
, a 3 or 4 digit symbol <TOKEN SYMBOL>
and a total supply <TOKEN SUPPLY>
for your token (in units of 10^-18 tokens, e.g. a supply of 10 tokens corresponds to 10^19 = 10_000_000_000_000_000_000
Create a file contracts/<TOKEN NAME>.sol
(for example, if your token name is MyToken
, create the file contracts/MyToken.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: None
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
contract <TOKEN NAME> is ERC20{
constructor (address owner) ERC20("<TOKEN NAME>","<TOKEN SYMBOL>") {
_mint(owner, <TOKEN SUPPLY>);
Check that the contract compiles:
brownie compile
Deploy the Token contract
Create or nominate an account
Create a deployment script scripts/
from brownie import accounts, <TOKEN NAME>
def main(owner):
= accounts.load('deployer')
deployer <TOKEN NAME>.deploy(owner, {'from': deployer})
Generate a deployer
account (and password) in brownie.
brownie accounts generate deployer
(Enter a suitable password when prompted). Alternatively, an existing account can be imported into brownie - see brownie accounts --help
Fund the account in order to pay gas fees.
Run the deploy script on the testnet:
brownie run --network piccadilly deploy main <OWNER>
Take note of the address of the deployed contract. This can be used with the --token
option of the aut token
commands in order to interact with the deployed token.