Piccadilly Testnet

The bleeding-edge public Testnet running the latest deployable version of the Autonity protocol

Piccadilly is a public Testnet running the latest deployable version of the Autonity protocol. It is the testing environment used in the pre-MainNet Piccadilly Circus Games Competition (PCGC) and may undergo re-genesis with the latest protocol implementation at the end of a game round.

Piccadilly is for participants interested in:

Piccadilly Testnet details

Field Input
Network Name Autonity Piccadilly (Barada) Testnet
New RPC URL https://rpc1.piccadilly.autonity.org/
ChainID 65100003
Symbol ATN
Block Explorer URL (optional) https://piccadilly.autonity.org/

(The above information can be used to connect an existing client such as MetaMask)

Genesis configuration

Name Piccadilly
chainId 65100003
gasLimit 20000000(20M)
config.autonity.blockPeriod 1 second
config.autonity.epochPeriod 1800(30 min)
config.autonity.unbondingPeriod 21600(6 hours)
config.autonity.maxCommitteeSize 28 (increases to 100 after genesis)
config.autonity.delegationRate 1000 (10%)
config.autonity.treasuryFee 10000000000000000 (1%)
config.autonity.minBaseFee 500000000 (0.5 GWei)
config.autonity.operator 0xd32C0812Fa1296F082671D5Be4CbB6bEeedC2397
config.autonity.treasury 0xF74c34Fed10cD9518293634C6f7C12638a808Ad5
config.autonity.validators See Validators object in the AGC PiccadillyChainConfig for details.
config.oracle.symbols ["AUD-USD", "CAD-USD", "EUR-USD", "GBP-USD", "JPY-USD", "SEK-USD", "ATN-USD", "NTN-USD", "ATN-NTN"]
config.oracle.votePeriod 30 (30 blocks)


The network bootnode addresses are:



The current iteration of the Piccadilly network is built using:

  • Autonity Go Client (AGC) Release: v0.14.1. The docker image release is: ghcr.io/autonity/autonity:v0.14.1

  • Autonity Oracle Server (AOS) Release: v0.1.9. The docker image release is: ghcr.io/autonity/autonity-oracle-piccadilly:latest


Public endpoints

Default rate limit on calls to wss and https public endpoints combined is 250 requests per second per IP.

Block explorer