Open and manage a CDP

How to use a CDP to borrow Auton in the Auton Stabilization Mechanism.


To open a CDP and borrow ATN you need:

Protocol contract calls

The guide uses the aut contract call and aut contract tx commands for contract interactions.

aut contract usage requires that you specify the ABI file and the protocol contract address of the contract being called. To complete the guide you will need to call 2 protocol contracts:

  • the Autonity Protocol Contract (Autonity.abi) with the protocol contract address 0xBd770416a3345F91E4B34576cb804a576fa48EB1
  • the Stabilization Contract (Stabilization.abi) with the protocol contract address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f.

The Autonity Protocol Contract Interfaces is called to approve the Stabilization Contract as a spender of the CDP Owner’s NTN token. The primary interface for CDP interactions is the Stabilization Contract Interface.

The abi files are generated when building the client from source and can be found in your autonity installation directory at ./params/generated/Autonity.abi and ./params/generated/Stabilization.abi. Alternatively, you can generate the ABI using the abigen cmd utility if you built the utility when building from source (See Install Autonity, Build from source code).

The guide explicitly sets the path to the ABI file and contract address to be clear which contract is being called. Note that the ABI file and contract address can be set as defaults in aut’s configuration file .autrc using the contract_address and contract_abi flags as appropriate:

#contract_abi = Autonity.abi
#contract_address = 0xBd770416a3345F91E4B34576cb804a576fa48EB1


contract_abi = Stabilization.abi
contract_address = 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f

The guide assumes the ABI files are in the directory from which the aut command is run.

Determine borrowing limit

As prerequisite to opening a CDP, verify your borrowing limit. This is done based on:

  • collateral price
  • amount of collateral to be deposited
  • amount of interest to pay on the borrowing

Step 1. Get collateral price

Query for current collateral price calling the collateralPrice() function of the Stabilization Contract using the aut contract call command:

aut contract call --abi Stabilization.abi --address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f collateralPrice

The current collateral price is returned denominated in ton, Autonity’s equivalent of wei. For example:


Step 2. Get borrowing ceiling

Next, determine your borrowing limits. There are two ways to do this:

  • By Auton borrowing amount, to calculate the amount of collateral token that must be deposited to borrow a stated amount of Auton (ATN). Call minimumCollateral().
  • By collateral token amount, to calculate the amount of Auton that can be borrowed for a stated amount of collateral token (NTN). Call borrowLimit().

By amount of Auton to be borrowed

Determine how much collateral token (NTN) you will need to deposit for the amount of auton (ATN) you want to borrow.

Query for the minimum collateral amount by calling the minimumCollateral() function of the Stabilization Contract using the aut contract call command. Pass in parameters for:

aut contract call --abi Stabilization.abi --address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f minimumCollateral <PRINCIPAL> <PRICE> <MCR>

In this example 1.75 ATN is set as the principal

aut contract call --abi Stabilization.abi --address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f minimumCollateral 1750000000000000000 9990828200000000000 2000000000000000000



At the given collateral price, 0.350321307696993528 NTN must be deposited to borrow 1.75 ATN.

By amount of Newton collateral token deposited

Determine the maximum amount of Auton (ATN) that can be borrowed for a given amount of collateral token (NTN).

Query for the borrowing limit by calling the borrowLimit() function of the Stabilization Contract using the aut contract call command. Pass in parameters for:

  • <COLLATERAL> - the amount of collateral token deposited to back the debt
  • <PRICE> - the collateral token price. Set as for the preceding example.
  • <TARGETPRICE> - the ACU value of 1 unit of debt set for the ASM at genesis. Set to 1000000000000000000 (i.e. 1). (For the default value set for targetPrice see Reference, Genesis, ASM stabilization config minCollateralizationRatio).
  • <MCR> - the minimum collateralization ratio. Set as for the preceding example.
aut contract call --abi Stabilization.abi --address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f borrowLimit <COLLATERAL> <PRICE> <TARGETPRICE> <MCR>

In this example the 0.35... NTN value returned by the other method is set as the collateral token amount.

aut contract call --abi Stabilization.abi --address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f borrowLimit 350321307696993528 9990828200000000000 1000000000000000000 2000000000000000000



At the given collateral price, 1.749999999999999997 ATN can be borrowed for deposited collateral token of 0.350321307696993528 NTN.

Step 3. Calculate borrowing interest

Determine the interest that will charged on the borrowed Auton over time.

Query for the borrowing costs by calling the interestDue() function of the Stabilization Contract using the aut contract call command. Pass in parameters for:

  • <DEBT>: the amount of Auton you want to borrow
  • <RATE>: the borrow interest rate. For the default value set for rate see Reference, Genesis, ASM stabilization config. Set to 5%, 50000000000000000
  • <TIMEBORROW>: the time point at which you will take out the borrowing. The timestamp is provided as a Unix time value
  • <TIMEDUE>: the time point at which you will repay the borrowing, to specify the time point at which the interest is due. The timestamp is provided as a Unix time value.
aut contract call --abi Stabilization.abi --address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f interestDue <DEBT> <RATE> <TIMEBORROW> <TIMEDUE>

In this example interest for borrowing 1.75 ATN over the calendar month of October is requested.

aut contract call --abi Stabilization.abi --address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f interestDue 1750000000000000000 50000000000000000 1696114800 1698710400



Borrowing interest costs over the 31 day period are 7216608464428718 ton, or 0.007216608464428718 ATN.

Step 4. Determine collateral requirements

Finally, for ongoing management of your CDP you need to maintain a sufficient collateral buffer to manage the risk of the CDP entering a liquidatable state. Factors that could lead to a CDP becoming liquidatable include collateral withdrawals, increased principal borrowing, accrued interest increasing the debt, or collateral-to-Auton price fluctuation.


If a debt position is under collateralized or not is determined by calculating (collateral * price) / debt. If this returns a value < liquidationRatio, then the CDP is under collateralised and can be liquidated.

To mitigate this risk you can run different collateralization, debt, and price scenarios to simulate liquidation risk and determine how much collateral you post for your borrowing.

To support this simulation you can use the underCollateralized() function of the Stabilization Contract. Use the aut contract call command to do this, passing in parameters:

aut contract call --abi Stabilization.abi --address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f underCollateralized <COLLATERAL> <PRICE> <DEBT> <LIQUIDATIONRATIO>

In this example, values for borrowing 1.75 ATN per other Steps in this example are used for the parameterisation:

aut contract call --abi Stabilization.abi --address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f underCollateralized 350321307696993528 9990828200000000000 1750000000000000000 1800000000000000000



If the borrowing amount is increased from 1.75 to 1.95 ATN, then the position becomes under collateralized:

aut contract call --abi Stabilization.abi --address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f underCollateralized 350321307696993528 9990828200000000000 1950000000000000000 1800000000000000000



However, if collateral is increased from 350321307696993528 to 352000000000000000, then the position is no longer under collateralized:

aut contract call --abi Stabilization.abi --address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f underCollateralized 352000000000000000 9990828200000000000 1950000000000000000 1800000000000000000



Approve the Stabilization Contract as a collateral token spender

Before depositing collateral token to open a cdp, the collateral token contract must be called to approve the Stabilization Contract as a spender of collateral token using the standard ERC-20 “approve” method.

Step 1. Verify your collateral token balance

(Optional.) Verify you have the necessary NTN balance for the desired borrowing:

aut account balance --ntn

The amount approved in Step 2 must be <= to your NTN balance, otherwise the transaction will revert.

Step 2. Approve the Stabilization Contract

Approve the Stabilization Contract as a spender of collateral token. Call the Autonity Protocol Contract approve() function, using the aut contract tx command. Pass in parameters for:

  • <SPENDER> is the Stabilization Contract address
  • <AMOUNT> is the amount of NTN that you are allowing the contract to spend on your behalf.
aut contract tx --abi Autonity.abi --address 0xBd770416a3345F91E4B34576cb804a576fa48EB1 approve  <SPENDER> <AMOUNT>

In this example, approval is given for 0.75 NTN:

aut contract tx --abi Autonity.abi --address 0xBd770416a3345F91E4B34576cb804a576fa48EB1 approve  0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f 750000000000000000 | aut tx sign - | aut tx send -

Optionally, verify the Stabilization Contract approval has succeeded by calling the Autonity Protocol Contract allowance() function, using the aut contract call command. Pass in parameters for:

  • <OWNER> is your account address
  • <SPENDER> is the Stabilization Contract address.
aut contract call --abi Autonity.abi --address 0xBd770416a3345F91E4B34576cb804a576fa48EB1 allowance <OWNER> <SPENDER>

For example:

aut contract call --abi Autonity.abi --address 0xBd770416a3345F91E4B34576cb804a576fa48EB1 allowance 0xF47FDD88C8f6F80239E177386cC5AE3d6BCdEeEa 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f

Open a CDP

It is only possible to have one CDP open at a time. This prevents users opening multiple CDP’s to borrow Auton without maintaining collateralization ratios.

Open a CDP by depositing collateral token. Auton can then be borrowed against that collateral, creating the debt position. The debt of a CDP is then composed of:

  • principal: the amount of ATN borrowed, which must be above a minimum debt requirement
  • accrued interest: the borrowing interest rate charged to the debt, continuously compounding.

(For the default values set for borrowInterestRate and minDebtRequirement see Reference, Genesis, ASM stabilization config).

Deposit collateral token

Deposit collateral token (NTN) by submitting a transaction to the deposit() function of the Stabilization Contract using the aut contract tx command. Pass in parameters for:

  • <AMOUNT> - the amount of collateral token to deposit.
aut contract tx --abi Stabilization.abi --address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f deposit <AMOUNT> | aut tx sign - | aut tx send -

In this example 0.75 NTN is deposited:

aut contract tx --abi Stabilization.abi --address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f deposit 750000000000000000 | aut tx sign - | aut tx send -

Optionally, verify the deposit has succeeded and the CDP opened by calling the Stabilization Contract accounts() function to return an array of open CDP’s. The account address you used to submit the transaction will be included in the array of CDP identifier addresses returned.

For example:

aut contract call --abi Stabilization.abi --address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f accounts
["0x1f790c60D974F5A8f88558CA90F743a71F009641", "0xfd1ac0e99E9BD153F49080A96eb44843211E5C9f", "0xF47FDD88C8f6F80239E177386cC5AE3d6BCdEeEa"]

Borrow against collateral

Borrow Auton against deposited CDP collateral by submitting a transaction to the borrow() function of the Stabilization Contract using the aut contract tx command. Pass in parameters for:

  • <AMOUNT> - the amount of Auton to borrow.
aut contract tx --abi Stabilization.abi --address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f borrow <AMOUNT> | aut tx sign - | aut tx send -

The borrowed Auton will be transferred to your account. To view your new ATN account balance run aut account balance.

In this example 1.75 ATN is borrowed as the principal:

aut contract tx --abi Stabilization.abi --address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f borrow 1750000000000000000 | aut tx sign - | aut tx send -

Manage your CDP

Get current CDP debt amount

The debt of a CDP consists of the Auton borrowed (the ‘principal’) and accrued interest due charged at the borrow interest rate.

To determine the current debt owed on a CDP call debtAmount()function of the Stabilization Contract using the aut contract call command.

  1. Call debtAmount() passing in parameters for:
  • <ACCOUNT>: the CDP account address
  • <TIMESTAMP>: the timestamp at which you want to value the debt. The timestamp is provided as a Unix time value.
aut contract call --abi Stabilization.abi --address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f debtAmount <ACCOUNT> <TIMESTAMP>

The call will return the total amount owed on the CDP, debt + accrued interest. The result is returned as an integer value in ton, Autonity’s equivalent of Ethereum’s wei.

In this example the debt amount is returned as 1.75... ATN at time point October 17 2023 14:16:37 GMT:

aut contract call --abi Stabilization.abi --address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f debtAmount 0xF47FDD88C8f6F80239E177386cC5AE3d6BCdEeEa 1697552197

Repay borrowing

Repay an amount of borrowed Auton by submitting a transaction to the repay() function of the Stabilization Contract using the aut contract tx command. Pass in parameters for:

  • <AMOUNT> - the amount of Auton to repay to the CDP.
aut contract tx --abi Stabilization.abi --address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f --value <AMOUNT> repay | aut tx sign - | aut tx send -

In this example 0.25 ATN is repaid to reduce the principal:

aut contract tx --abi Stabilization.abi --address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f --value 250000000000000000 repay | aut tx sign - | aut tx send -

A repayment can be a partial or full repayment of the borrowed amount.

If you want to repay all borrowed ATN in a CDP and clear the debt position completely, then slightly overpay - this covers accrued interest and the protocol will return any surplus payment to your account immediately.

For example, you are repaying the entire debt and call interestDue() and debtAmount() to determine the amount owed. You then make a repayment for that exact amount. In the time interval before the repay() transaction is submitted a dust amount of interest can then accrue. In this scenario, overpayment will settle that interest due and surplus ATN from the repayment is returned.

Withdraw collateral

Withdraw an amount of deposited collateral token by submitting a transaction to the withdraw() function of the Stabilization Contract using the aut contract tx command. Pass in parameters for:

  • <AMOUNT> - the amount of Auton to repay to the CDP.
aut contract tx --abi Stabilization.abi --address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f withdraw <AMOUNT> | aut tx sign - | aut tx send -

In this example 0.1 NTN collateral token is withdrawn to reduce the deposited collateral amount:

aut contract tx --abi Stabilization.abi --address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f withdraw 100000000000000000 | aut tx sign - | aut tx send -