Oracle Contract Interface

Autonity Oracle Contract functions

Interface for interacting with Autonity Oracle Contract functions using:

Protocol contract calls

Examples for calling functions from aut use the setup described in the How to Submit a transaction from Autonity Utility Tool (aut).

Usage and Examples illustrate using the Oracle Contract’s generated ABI and the aut tool’s contract command to call the Oracle Contract address 0x47e9Fbef8C83A1714F1951F142132E6e90F5fa5D. See aut contract call --help.

Usage and Examples assume the path to the ABI file has been set in aut’s configuration file .autrc. The Oracle.abi file is generated when building the client from source and can be found in your autonity installation directory at ./params/generated/Oracle.abi. Alternatively, you can generate the ABI using the abigen cmd utility if you built from source (See Install Autonity, Build from source code).


Returns the precision to be used with price reports.

The precision is set as a constant to the integer value 10000000.

The precision is the multiplier applied to price data points before aggregation and calculation of a median price for symbols by the Oracle Contract. Data consumers can convert the aggregated value to decimal places by dividing with the precision value.

Conversion to decimal places

For example, the symbol price for a currency pair is submitted with the value 1.001. The price is multiplied with precision 10000000, giving 10010000 which is the value submitted for price aggregation in the Oracle Contract. A data consumer can use the precision to convert the L2 aggregation value to decimal precision for their use case. For example, a median price of 12971000 converts to 1.2791.




Field Datatype Description
precision uint256 the decimal precision multiplier applied to currency pair symbol price reports before aggregation. Set as a constant to 10000000


aut contract call --address 0x47e9Fbef8C83A1714F1951F142132E6e90F5fa5D getPrecision


aut contract call --address 0x47e9Fbef8C83A1714F1951F142132E6e90F5fa5D getPrecision


Returns the index number of the current oracle contract voting round.




Field Datatype Description
round uint256 the number of the current oracle voting round


aut contract call --address 0x47e9Fbef8C83A1714F1951F142132E6e90F5fa5D getRound


aut contract call --address 0x47e9Fbef8C83A1714F1951F142132E6e90F5fa5D getRound


Returns the median price data for a currency pair symbol at a given oracle voting round.


Field Datatype Description
_round uint256 the oracle voting round index number for which the current price is requested
_symbol string the currency pair symbol for which the current price is requested


Field Datatype Description
round uint256 the index number of the oracle voting round in which the price was generated
_p.price uint256 the median price for the requested currency pair symbol
_p.timestamp string the timestamp of the block height at which the returned price was calculated; the timestamp is in Unix Timestamp format
_p.sucess bool status value indicating if the median price was calculated successfully or not in the requested round; value of False (FAILURE) or True (SUCCESS). If a price was not successfully calculated in the requested round, then the price returned is the most recently generated price for the requested symbol and was generated at the returned block timestamp.

Note that median price calculation happens when the last block of a round is finalised. If getRoundData() is called with the current round number, then it will return zero because the price aggregation hasn’t been executed yet.


aut contract call --address 0x47e9Fbef8C83A1714F1951F142132E6e90F5fa5D getRoundData _round _symbol


aut contract call --address 0x47e9Fbef8C83A1714F1951F142132E6e90F5fa5D getRoundData 1809 "SEK-USD"
{"round": 1809, "price": 899334, "timestamp": 1694668219, "success": True}


Returns the currency pair symbols for which the oracle generates price reports.

Note that if the symbols supported by the oracle are changed that there is a delay of 2 voting rounds before prices are reported for the new symbols. This is because if symbols are updated at round number r then:

  • oracles submit price data commits for the new symbols the following round in r + 1
  • prices for the new symbols are computed by the oracle network in r + 2 when the commits are revealed and prices voted on by the oracle voters.

If the getSymbols call is made at r + 1, then it will return the updated symbols for which prices will be generated at r + 2.




Field Datatype Description
symbols string array a comma-separated list of the currency pair symbols for which price reports are generated


aut contract call --address 0x47e9Fbef8C83A1714F1951F142132E6e90F5fa5D getSymbols


aut contract call --address 0x47e9Fbef8C83A1714F1951F142132E6e90F5fa5D getSymbols


Returns the oracle contract setting for the interval at which the oracle network initiates a new oracle round for submitting, voting, and aggregating data points for oracle price reports. The interval is measured in blocks.

Vote period is set at network genesis, see Reference, Genesis,oracle config.




Field Datatype Description
votePeriod uint256 integer value expressing the duration of an oracle round, measured in blocks


aut contract call --address 0x47e9Fbef8C83A1714F1951F142132E6e90F5fa5D getVotePeriod


aut contract call --address 0x47e9Fbef8C83A1714F1951F142132E6e90F5fa5D getVotePeriod


Returns the current list of oracle voters from memory.

The response is returned as a list of oracle identifier addresses, sorted in descending dictionary order.




Field Datatype Description
address address array a comma-separated list of the oracle addresses for the current Oracle Voter set


aut contract call --address 0x47e9Fbef8C83A1714F1951F142132E6e90F5fa5D getVoters


aut contract call --address 0x47e9Fbef8C83A1714F1951F142132E6e90F5fa5D getVoters   
["0xf8D8c4818Fd21B4be57a0ACD619fdD88ec7A858c", "0xd4d2874450a21f1Bf5E1C12260773d8716b526B8", "0x636d3D9711F0f3907313dC5E2Aa08e73c0608A03"]


Returns the latest available median price data for a currency pair symbol. The price returned is the one generated in the last successfully completed oracle voting round.

If the last oracle voting round failed to successfully compute a new median price, then it will return the most recent median price for the requested symbol.


Field Datatype Description
_symbol string the currency pair symbol for which the current oracle price is requested


Field Datatype Description
round-1 uint256 the index number of the oracle voting round in which the price was generated. This is always 1 less than the number of the oracle’s voting round at the time of the call
_p.price uint256 the latest median price for the requested currency pair symbol
_p.timestamp string the timestamp of the block height at which the returned price was calculated; the timestamp is in Unix Timestamp format
_p.status uint status value indicating if the median price was calculated successfully or not in round-1, represented by a value of 0 (SUCCESS) or 1 (FAILURE). If a price was not successfully calculated, then the price returned is the most recently generated price for the requested symbol and was generated at the returned block timestamp.

Unix time represents time as an integer value recording the number of seconds since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC.

This can easily be converted to a human-readable form, for example:

  • programmatically, using the Python datetime library fromtimestamp() function
  • on the web, using online converters like .


aut contract call --address 0x47e9Fbef8C83A1714F1951F142132E6e90F5fa5D latestRoundData _symbol


aut contract call --address 0x47e9Fbef8C83A1714F1951F142132E6e90F5fa5D latestRoundData "SEK-USD"
{"round": 47631, "price": 963459, "timestamp": 1688390007, "status": 0}