Governance and Protocol Only Reference

Autonity Protocol Contract functions callable by governance operator and by protocol only

Operator only

Functions with the onlyOperator access constraint that can only be called by the governance operator account.


Burns the specified amount of Newton stake token from an account. When x amount of newton is burned, then x is simply deducted from the account’s balance and from the total supply of newton in circulation.


Field Datatype Description
_addr address the account address from which newton is being burned
_amount uint256 a positive integer value for the value amount being burned, denominated in Newton


No response object is returned on successful execution of the method call.

The new Newton balance of the account can be retrieved from state by calling the balanceOf() method.

The new total supply of Newton in circulation can be retrieved from state by calling the totalSupply() method.


On a successful call the function emits a BurnedStake event, logging: _addr, _amount.


aut governance burn [OPTIONS] AMOUNT ACCOUNT


aut governance burn 1 0xd4eddde5d1d0d7129a7f9c35ec55254f43b8e6d4 | aut tx sign - | aut tx send -
(consider using 'KEYFILEPWD' env var).
Enter passphrase (or CTRL-d to exit): 


Mints new stake token and adds it to the recipient’s account balance. When x amount of newton is minted, then x is simply added to the account’s balance and to the total supply of newton in circulation.


Field Datatype Description
_addr address the recipient account address
_amount uint256 a positive integer value for the value amount being minted, denominated in Newton


No response object is returned on successful execution of the method call.

The new Newton balance of the recipient account can be retrieved from state by calling the balanceOf() method.

The new total supply of newton in circulation can be retrieved from state by calling the totalSupply() method.


On a successful call the function emits a MintedStake event, logging: _addr, _amount.


aut governance mint [OPTIONS] AMOUNT RECIPIENT


aut governance mint 1 0xd4eddde5d1d0d7129a7f9c35ec55254f43b8e6d4 | aut tx sign - | aut tx send -
(consider using 'KEYFILEPWD' env var).
Enter passphrase (or CTRL-d to exit): 

mint (Supply Control Contract)

The Auton mint function, called by the Stabilization Contract to mint Auton to recipients while processing a CDP borrowing.

The protocol calls the function using by the stabilizer account, the Stabilization Contract address The recipient cannot be the stabilizer account or the 0 zero address. The minted amount cannot be equal to 0 or greater than the Supply Control Contract’s available auton balance.

When x amount of auton is minted, then x is simply added to the account’s balance, increasing the total supply of Auton in circulation and reducing the supply of Auton available for minting.


Field Datatype Description
recipient address the recipient account address
amount uint256 amount of Auton to mint (non-zero)


No response object is returned on successful execution of the method call.

The new Auton balance of the recipient account can be returned from state using aut to Get the auton balance.

The new total supply of auton available for minting can be retrieved from state by calling the availableSupply() method.


On a successful call the function emits a Mint event, logging: recipient, amount.



The ASM Supply Control Contract Interface is not currently supported by aut.

You can interact with the contract using the aut contract command group. See aut contract tx -h for how to submit a transaction calling the interface function.

modifyBasket (ACU Contract)

Modifies the ACU symbols, quantities, or scale of the ACU currency basket.


Field Datatype Description
symbols_ string the symbols used to retrieve prices
quantities_ uint256 the basket quantity corresponding to each symbol
scale_ uint256 the scale for quantities and the ACU value







The ASM ACU Contract Interface is not currently supported by aut.

You can interact with the contract using the aut contract command group. See aut contract tx -h for how to submit a transaction calling the interface function.


Sets a new value for the Autonity Accountability Contract address.


Field Datatype Description
_address address the ethereum formatted address of the Accountability Contract






aut governance set-accountability-contract [OPTIONS] CONTRACT-ADDRESS


Sets a new value for the ASM Autonomous Currency Unit (ACU) Contract address.


Field Datatype Description
_address address the ethereum formatted address of the ACU Contract






aut governance set-acu-contract [OPTIONS] CONTRACT-ADDRESS


Sets a new value for the committeeSize protocol parameter.


Field Datatype Description
_size uint256 a positive integer value for the maximum committee size


No response object is returned on successful execution of the method call.

The updated parameter can be retrieved from state by calling the getMaxCommitteeSize() method.


aut governance set-committee-size [OPTIONS] COMMITTEE_SIZE


$ aut governance set-committee-size 50 | aut tx sign - | aut tx send -
(consider using 'KEYFILEPWD' env var).
Enter passphrase (or CTRL-d to exit): 


Sets a new value for the epochPeriod protocol parameter.

The epochPeriod period value must be less than the unbondingPeriod protocol parameter.

Constraint checks are applied:

  • if decreasing the epoch period, checks the current chain head has not already exceeded the new epoch period window: if block.number >= lastEpochBlock + _period, then the transaction reverts.


Field Datatype Description
_period uint256 a positive integer value specifying the number of blocks defining the duration of an epoch on the network


No response object is returned on successful execution of the call.

The updated parameter can be retrieved from state by a call to the epochPeriod() public variable.


On a successful call the function emits an EpochPeriodUpdated event, logging: _period.


aut governance set-epoch-period [OPTIONS] EPOCH_PERIOD


aut governance set-epoch-period 1000 | aut tx sign - | aut tx send -
(consider using 'KEYFILEPWD' env var).
Enter passphrase (or CTRL-d to exit): 

setLiquidationRatio (ASM Stabilization Contract)

Sets a new value for the liquidationRatio protocol parameter in the ASM Stabilization Contract configuration.

Constraint checks are applied:

  • the ratio must be less than the minimum collateralization ratio parameter.


Field Datatype Description
ratio uint256 an integer value specifying the liquidation ratio for ASM CDP’s







The ASM Stabilization Contract Interface is not currently supported by aut.

You can interact with the contract using the aut contract command group. See aut contract tx -h for how to submit a transaction calling the interface function.

setMinCollateralizationRatio (ASM Stabilization Contract)

Sets a new value for the minCollateralizationRatio protocol parameter in the ASM Stabilization Contract configuration

Constraint checks are applied:

  • the ratio must be a positive value
  • the ratio must be greater than the liquidation ratio
  • minimum collateralization ratio parameter.


Field Datatype Description
ratio uint256 a positive integer value specifying the minimum collateralization ratio for ASM CDP’s







The ASM Stabilization Contract Interface is not currently supported by aut.

You can interact with the contract using the aut contract command group. See aut contract tx -h for how to submit a transaction calling the interface function.

setMinDebtRequirement (ASM Stabilization Contract)

Sets a new value for the minDebtRequirement protocol parameter in the ASM Stabilization Contract configuration.


Field Datatype Description
amount uint256 an integer value specifying the minimum debt requirement for ASM CDP’s







The ASM Stabilization Contract Interface is not currently supported by aut.

You can interact with the contract using the aut contract command group. See aut contract tx -h for how to submit a transaction calling the interface function.


Sets a new value for the minBaseFee protocol parameter. The value is denominated in ton.


Field Datatype Description
_price uint256 a positive integer value for the minimum gas price, denominated in ton


No response object is returned on successful execution of the method call.

The updated parameter can be retrieved from state by calling the getMinimumBaseFee() method.


On a successful call the function emits a MinimumBaseFeeUpdated event, logging: _price.


aut governance set-minimum-base-fee [OPTIONS] base-fee


aut governance set-minimum-base-fee 50000000 | aut tx sign - | aut tx send -
(consider using 'KEYFILEPWD' env var).
Enter passphrase (or CTRL-d to exit): 


Sets a new governance account address as the protocol parameter for the Autonity Protocol Contracts:


Field Datatype Description
_account address the ethereum formatted address of the operator governance account


No response object is returned on successful execution of the method call.

The updated parameter can be retrieved from state by a call to the operatorAccount() public variable.


aut governance set-operator-account [OPTIONS] OPERATOR-ADDRESS


aut governance set-operator-account 0xd4eddde5d1d0d7129a7f9c35ec55254f43b8e6d4 | aut tx sign - | aut tx send -
(consider using 'KEYFILEPWD' env var).
Enter passphrase (or CTRL-d to exit): 


Sets a new value for the Autonity Oracle Contract address.

The Oracle Contract is called by the Autonity Protocol Contracts:


Field Datatype Description
_address address the ethereum formatted address of the Oracle Contract






aut governance set-oracle-contract [OPTIONS] CONTRACT-ADDRESS


Sets a new value for the ASM Stabilization Contract address.


Field Datatype Description
_address address the ethereum formatted address of the Stabilization Contract






aut governance set-stabilization-contract [OPTIONS] CONTRACT-ADDRESS


Sets a new value for the ASM Supply Control Contract address.


Field Datatype Description
supplyControl address the ethereum formatted address of the Supply Control Contract






aut governance set-supply-control-contract [OPTIONS] CONTRACT-ADDRESS

setSymbols (Oracle Contract)

Sets a new value set for the currency pair symbols for which the Oracle Contract computes median price.

Note that the function overwrites the existing symbols; and does not update; the complete set of symbols for which oracles shall provide price reports must be provided.

Constraint checks are applied:

  • the _symbols parameter cannot be empty; new symbols are provided
  • the current round number is not equal to the current symbol update (a) round number, and (b) round number +1.

The symbol update is applied and oracle submissions for the new symbols are effective from the next round round+1.


Field Datatype Description
symbols string array a comma-separated list of the new currency pair symbols for which price reports are generated




On a successful call the function emits a NewSymbols event, logging: a string array of the new currency pair _symbol and the following round number at which the new symbols become effective round+1.


aut contract tx --address 0x47e9Fbef8C83A1714F1951F142132E6e90F5fa5D setSymbols '["_symbol"]' | aut tx sign - | aut tx send -


aut contract tx --address 0x47e9Fbef8C83A1714F1951F142132E6e90F5fa5D setSymbols '["AUD-USD", "CAD-USD", "EUR-USD", "GBP-USD", "JPY-USD", "SEK-USD", "ATN-USD", "NTN-USD", "NTN-ATN"]' | aut tx sign - | aut tx send -


Sets a new account address as the value of the treasuryAccount protocol parameter.


Field Datatype Description
_account address payable the ethereum formatted address of the Autonity Treasury Account for community funds


No response object is returned on successful execution of the method call.

The updated parameter can be retrieved from state by a call to config() to get the Autonity network configuration.


aut governance set-treasury-account [OPTIONS] treasury-address


aut governance set-treasury-account 0xd4eddde5d1d0d7129a7f9c35ec55254f43b8e6d4 | aut tx sign - | aut tx send -
(consider using 'KEYFILEPWD' env var).
Enter passphrase (or CTRL-d to exit): 


Sets a new value for the treasuryFee protocol parameter.


Field Datatype Description
_treasuryFee uint256 a positive integer value specifying the percentage fee levied on staking rewards before redistribution


No response object is returned on successful execution of the method call.

The updated parameter can be retrieved from state by a call to config() to get the Autonity network configuration.


aut governance set-treasury-fee [OPTIONS] TREASURY-FEE


aut governance set-treasury-fee 100000000 | aut tx sign - | aut tx send -
(consider using 'KEYFILEPWD' env var).
Enter passphrase (or CTRL-d to exit): 


Sets a new value for the unbondingPeriod protocol parameter. The unbonding period specifies the length of time that bonded stake must wait before it can be redeemed for Newton after processing a stake redeem transaction. The period of time is defined as a number of blocks.

The unbondingPeriod period value must be greater than the epochPeriod protocol parameter. When the last block of an epoch is finalised, logic checks if the unbonding period for any pending unbonding requests for unbonding has expired and if so applies the staking transitions.


Field Datatype Description
_period uint256 a positive integer value specifying the number of blocks defining the duration of an unbonding period


No response object is returned on successful execution of the method call.

The updated parameter can be retrieved from state by a call to config() to get the Autonity network configuration.


aut governance set-unbonding-period [OPTIONS] UNBONDING_PERIOD


aut governance set-unbonding-period 1000 | aut tx sign - | aut tx send -
(consider using 'KEYFILEPWD' env var).
Enter passphrase (or CTRL-d to exit): 


Sets a new value for the Upgrade Manager Contract address.


This is a development function only used for internal testing purposes. A value other than 0x3C368B86AF00565Df7a3897Cfa9195B9434A59f9 will break the upgrade function.


Field Datatype Description
UpgradeManager _address the ethereum formatted address of the Upgrade Manager Contract






Provides new contract creation code for an Autonity Protocol Contract.

The function calls an in-protocol EVM replace mechanism. The contract creation code is compiled and the new contract bytecode and abi appended to the contract storage buffer.


The contract storage buffer length is checked during block finalization and if a contract upgrade is ready it is applied - see finalize().


Field Datatype Description
_target address the target contract address to be updated
_data string the contract creation code





Protocol only

Functions with protocol contract access constraints can only be invoked by the Autonity protocol itself:

  • Autonity Protocol Contract: for state finalization and committee selection
  • Autonity Stabilization Contract: for Auton mint and burn.

burn (Supply Control Contract)

The Auton burn function, called by the Stabilization Contract stabilizer account address to burn Auton while processing a CDP repayment.

Burns the specified amount of Auton, taking it out of circulation.

Constraint checks are applied:

  • the caller is the stabilizer account, the Stabilization Contract address.


Field Datatype Description
amount uint256 a non-zero integer value for the value amount being burned, denominated in Auton


No response object is returned on successful execution of the method call.


On a successful call the function emits a Burn event, logging: value, the amount of Auton burned.


Selects the consensus committee for the following epoch by selecting the validators with the highest amount of bonded stake.

The algorithm reads from the validatorList state variable to select the set of registered validators that are in an enabled state and with bonded stake greater than 0.

If the number of selected validators exceeds the maximum committee size, then the selected validators are sorted by bonded stake amount in ascending order. The top N where N is the maximum committee size, are then selected to be members of the consensus committee for the next epoch.

The consensus committee variables maintained in persistent storage are deleted and recreated:

  • committee is assigned the array of new CommitteeMember’s, each CommitteeMember struct recording the validator’s account address (_addr) and bonded stake amount (votingPower)
  • committeeNodes is assigned the array of enode URL’s for the committee members
  • epochTotalBondedStake is assigned the total amount of the stake bonded to the committee members.

Constraint checks:

  • validatorList.length > 0. A committee cannot be selected without registered validators.
  • ValidatorState = 0 (i.e. active). Validators must be in an active state to be included in the selection algorithm (validators in a paused, jailed, or jailbound state are excluded).
  • bondedStake > 0. Validators must have a non-zero amount of bonded stake to be included in the selection algorithm.




No response object is returned on successful execution of the method invocation.

The new committee can be retrieved from state by calling the getCommittee() method.

The new committee enode URL’s can be retrieved from state by calling the getCommitteeEnodes() method.

Returns the amount of stake token bonded to the new consensus committee members and securing the network during the epoch can be retrieved from state by a call to the epochTotalBondedStake() method.

distributeRewards (Accountability Contract)

The Accountability Contract reward distribution function, called at epoch finalisation as part of the state finalisation function finalize.

The function:

  • distributes rewards for reporting provable faults committed by an offending validator to the reporting validator.
  • if multiple slashing events are committed by the same offending validator during the same epoch, then rewards are only distributed to the last reporter.
  • if funds can’t be transferred to the reporter’s treasury account, then rewards go to the autonity protocol treasury account for community funds (see also Protocol Parameters Reference).

After distribution, the reporting validator is removed from the beneficiaries array.


Field Datatype Description
_validator address the address of the validator node being slashed






The block finalisation function, invoked each block after processing every transaction within it. The function:

  • tests if the bytecode protocol parameter is 0 length to determine if an Autonity Protocol Contract upgrade is available. If the bytecode length is >0, the contractUpgradeReady protocol parameter is set to true

  • tests if the block number is the last epoch block number (equal to lastEpochBlock + epochPeriod config) and if so sets the epochEnded boolean variable to true or false accordingly

  • invokes the Accountability Contract finalize() function, triggering the Accountability Contract to compute and apply penalties for provable accountability and omission faults committed by validators, and distribute rewards for submitting provable fault accusations

  • then, if epochEnded is true:

    • performs the staking rewards redistribution, redistributing the available reward amount per protocol and emitting a Rewarded event for each distribution
    • applies any staking transitions - pending bonding and unbonding requests tracked in BondingRequest and UnbondingRequest data structures in memory
    • applies any validator commission rate changes - pending rate change requests tracked in CommissionRateChangeRequest data structures in memory
    • selects the consensus committee for the following epoch, invoking the computeCommittee() function
    • assigns the lastEpochBlock state variable the value of the current block number
    • increments the epochID by 1
    • emits a NewEpoch event logging the epochID of the new epoch
  • invokes the Oracle Contract finalize() function, triggering the Oracle Contract to check it is the end of a voting round and if so:

    • calculate the median price of currency pairs
    • re-set oracle voters and parameters ready for the next oracle voting round.
  • then, if the oracle has computed data and started a new voting round (newRound is true), invokes the ACU Contract update() function to recompute the ACU value using the new price data.




Field Datatype Description
contractUpgradeReady bool Set to true if an Autonity Protocol Contract upgrade is available
committee CommitteeMember[] array the consensus committee that approved the block, each CommitteeMember struct recording the validator’s account address (_addr) and bonded stake amount (votingPower)

If an upgrade is available for a protocol contract, this is executed by the protocol at epoch finalisation. After an upgrade has been completed the new Autonity Protocol Contract version can be retrieved from state by calling the getVersion() method.


On successful reward distribution the function emits:

  • a Rewarded event for each staking reward distribution, logging: recipient address addr and reward amount amount.
  • a NewEpoch event signalling the beginning of a new epoch, logging: unique identifier for the new epoch epochID.

finalize (Accountability Contract)

The Accountability Contract finalisation function, called at each block finalisation as part of the state finalisation function finalize(). The function checks if it is the last block of the epoch, then:

  • On each block, tries to promote Accusations without proof of innocence into misconducts. Accusations without a valid innocence proof are considered guilty of the reported misconduct and a new fault proof is created if the fault severity is higher than that of any previous fault already committed by the validator in the current epoch.

A validator can, of course, have more than one fault proven against it in an epoch. For example, a first fault is proven and then another fault for a higher severity is proven. Note that the protocol will only apply an accountability slashing to a validator for the fault with the highest severity committed in an epoch.

promote guilty accusations

Accusations are placed into an accusation queue stored in memory. For each Accusation in the queue, the protocol checks if the proof submission window for the Accusation has expired and, if so, it attempts to promote the Accusation into a misbehaviour fault. If a fault with a higher severity than the Accusation already exists for the epoch, then the Accusation is dropped. Otherwise, a new FaultProof is created from the Accusation and the slashing history of the validator is updated to record this as the highest severity fault committed in the epoch.

The function takes each Accusation proof from the accusations queue and:

  • Checks if the proof innocence window has closed. If the window is still open, the Accusation remains in the queue. If the window has closed (the sum of the block number at which the Accusation was reported and the number of blocks in the proof innocence window is greater than the current block number (_ev.reportingBlock + INNOCENCE_PROOF_SUBMISSION_WINDOW > block.number)), then the Accusation is removed from the queue (i.e. deleted) to determine if the Accusation's should be promoted to a fault.
  • Tries to promote the Accusation to a fault or discards. The slashing history of the validator is checked to see if the validator already has a proven offence (i.e. a FaultProof) for the epoch with a severity >= to the Accusation. If true, then the Accusation is skipped as a FaultProof with a higher severity has already been reported during the epoch. If false, then the validator’s slashing history is updated to record the new fault as the highest severity for the epoch. A new FaultProof is created for the validator and added to the slashing queue.
  • A FaultProof event is emitted logging the event.

The reported validator will be silenced and slashed for the fault at the end of the current epoch.

perform slashing tasks

For each fault the protocol performs slashing over faulty validators at the end of an epoch.

The function checks the total number of faults committed by all validators in the epoch, counting the number of fault proofs in the slashing queue, to quantify validator collusion. It then applies slashing for each fault in the slashing queue:

  • Computes the slashing. The slashing rate and amount are computed taking into account the number of fault offences committed in the epoch by the offending validator and all validators globally. The slashing amount is calculated by the formula (slashing rate * validator bonded stake)/slashing rate precision.
  • Applies the slashing penalty. Slashing is applied to the offending validator’s stake, subtracting the slashing amount from the validator’s bonded stake according to the protocol’s Penalty Absorbing Stake (PAS) model (self-bonded stake before delegated stake)
  • Computes the jail period of the offending validator. If the validator stake slashing is 100% of bonded stake, permanent validator jailing is applied and the validator state is set to jailbound. Else, jailing is temporary and a jail period is calculated, using the formula current block number + jail factor * proven offence fault count * epoch period to compute a jail release block number. The validator state is set to jailed.
  • Updates validator state. The validator’s proven fault counter is incremented by 1 to record the slashing occurrence in the validator’s reputational slashing history. The jail release block number is recorded, set to the computed value if jailed or set to 0 if jailbound. Bonded stake amounts are adjusted for the slashing amount and the slashed stake token are transferred to the Autonity Protocol global treasury account for community funding.
  • Updates global slashing state. The pending slashing fault queue is reset ready for the next epoch, and the reporting validator is added to the array of reward beneficiaries that will receive rewards for offence reporting
  • A SlashingEvent event is emitted for each validator that has been slashed.

Rewards for fault reporting are distributed to the treasury account of the reporting validator as the last block of the epoch is finalised. Reporting validator self-bonded and delegated stakeholders receive a share of the rewards pro rata to their bonded stake amount. If the rewards transfer to the validator treasury account fails, then the rewards are sent to the Autonity Protocol’s community treasury account.


The protocol adjusts the slashing rate according to the total number of fault offences committed in an epoch across all validators.

This mechanism applies a dynamic slashing rate mitigating collusion risk by Byzantine agents in an epoch.


Field Datatype Description
epochEnd Bool boolean value indicating if the current block is the last block of the epoch (true) or not (false)




The function emits events:

  • on submission of a fault proof, a NewFaultProof event, logging: _offender, _severity, _id.
  • after a successful slashing, a SlashingEvent logging: _val.nodeAddress, _slashingAmount, _val.jailReleaseBlock, isJailbound.

finalize (Oracle Contract)

The Oracle Contract finalisation function, called once per VotePeriod as part of the state finalisation function finalize(). The function checks if it is the last block of the vote period, if so then:

  • executes the Oracle Contract’s on-chain aggregation routine to calculate the median of all price data points for each symbol submitted to the oracle, invoking the Oracle Contract aggregateSymbol function
  • checks if there have been any oracle voter changes, if so then updates the oracle voter set for the following oracle voting round
  • resets the lastRoundBlock to the current block.number
  • increments the round counter by 1
  • checks if there have been any oracle symbol changes, if so then updates the oracle symbol set for the following oracle voting round.




Returns true if there is a new voting round and new symbol prices are available, false if not.


On success the function emits a NewRound event for the new oracle voting period, logging: round number round, block.number, block.timestamp and vote period duration votePeriod.

handleEvent (Accountability Contract)

The accountability event handling function, invoked by protocol on submission of accountability event data to handle event processing.

Constraint checks are applied:

  • the msg.sender caller is a registered validator identifier, else the transaction reverts. (Rewards for reporting a successful slashing event are distributed to the validator’s treasury account.)
  • the msg.sender calling the function and the slashing event reporter addresses are the same.
  • chunk segments are contiguous for oversize events that have been chunked for storage into a map. If an event’s raw proof data is above a floor byte size, then the event is chunked into 16kb size chunks and stored in a map. Chunk id’s must be contiguous; i.e. a map can only contain chunks from one and not multiple events.

The function checks the event data:

  • If the raw proof contains >1 chunk, then the function stores the event into a map and then returns.

The function then processes the event according to event type.

The function validates the accountability event proof, passing the event’s rawProof data to a precompiled contract for verification. The precompiled contract returns verification outcome to the method:

  • _success - boolean flag indicating if proof verification succeeded or failed
  • _offender - validator identifier address of the fault offender
  • _ruleId - ID of the accountability rule tested
  • _block - number of the block in which the fault occurred
  • _messageHash - cryptographic hash of the main fault evidence, the rawProof.

Based on the verification outcome, constraint checks are applied:

  • the raw proof verification passed: _success is true

  • there are no mismatches between the event data and the verified raw proof data fields:

    • the returned _offender and event offender address values match
    • the returned _ruleId and event rule identifier values match
  • the_block number returned by the verification is less than the current block.number - the proof is for a historical and not future event

  • depending on event type, specific constraint checks are applied:

    • if FaultProof, then:
      • the severity of the fault event is greater than the severity of the offender’s current slashing history for the epoch.
    • if Accusation, then:
      • the severity of the fault event is greater than the severity of the offender’s current slashing history for the epoch
      • the validator does not have a pending accusation being processed.
    • if InnocenceProof, then:
      • the validator has an associated pending accusation being processed
      • the innocence proof and associated accusation proof have matching: rule identifiers, block number, message hash.

On successful constraint checking:

  • The event data object is updated using data returned by processing of the raw proof during proof verification processing:
Field Datatype Description
block uint256 assigned block number returned from verification in _block
epoch uint256 assigned the identifier of the epoch in which the accountability event _block occurred
reportingBlock uint256 assigned the current block number
messageHash uint256 assigned the hash of the main evidence for the accountability event returned from verification in _messageHash
  • The event is added to the events queue and assigned an _eventId value reflecting its position in the event queue.

Then, depending on event type:

  • If FaultProof, then:
    • The record of validator faults is updated to add the new event ID.
    • The event is added to the slashing queue.
    • The slashing history of the validator for the epoch is updated to record the fault’s severity.
  • If Accusation, then:
    • The event is recorded as the validator’s pending accusation.
    • The event is added to the accusation queue.
  • If InnocenceProof, then:
    • The accusation queue is checked and the associated accusation is removed.
    • The validator’s pending accusation is reset to 0, indicating the validator has no pending accusations (so a new accusation can now be submitted against the validator).


Field Datatype Description
_event Event event data object

On proof submission an _event object data structure is constructed in memory, populated with fields ready for proof processing:

Field Datatype Description
chunks uint8 counter of the number of chunks in the accountability event (for oversize accountability event)
chunkId uint8 chunk index to construct the oversize accountability event
eventType EventType the accountability event type, one of: FaultProof (proven misbehaviour), Accusation (pending accusation), InnocenceProof (proven innocence)
rule Rule the identifier of the accountability Rule defined in the Accountability Fault Detector (AFD) rule engine. Enumerated values are defined for each AFD Rule ID.
reporter address the node address of the validator that reported this accountability event
offender address the node address of the validator accused of the accountability event
rawProof bytes the rlp encoded bytes of the accountability proof object
block uint256 the number of the block at which the accountability event occurred. Assigned by protocol after proof verification.
epoch uint256 the identifier of the epoch in which the accountability event occurred. Assigned by protocol after proof verification.
reportingBlock uint256 the number of the block at which the accountability event was reported. Assigned by protocol after proof verification.
messageHash uint256 hash of the main evidence for the accountability event. Assigned by protocol after proof verification.
_validator address the address of the validator node being slashed




On success the function emits events for handling of:

  • Fault proof: a NewFaultProof event, logging: round _offender validator address, _severity of the fault, and _eventId.
  • Accusation proof: a NewAccusation event, logging: round _offender validator address, _severity of the fault, and _eventId.
  • Innocence proof: an InnocenceProven event, logging: _offender validator address, 0 indicating there are no pending accusations against the validator.

mint (Supply Control Contract)

The Auton mint function, called by the Stabilization Contract to mint Auton to recipients while processing a CDP borrowing.

Mints Auton and sends it to a recipient account, increasing the amount of Auton in circulation.

Constraint checks are applied:

  • the caller is the stabilizer account, the Stabilization Contract address
  • invalid recipient: the recipient cannot be the stabilizer account, the Stabilization Contract address, or the 0 zero address
  • invalid amount: the amount is not equal to 0 or greater than the Supply Control Contract’s available Auton balance.

When x amount of Auton is minted, then x is simply added to the account’s balance, increasing the total supply of Auton in circulation and reducing the supply of Auton available for minting.


Field Datatype Description
recipient address the recipient account address
amount uint256 amount of Auton to mint (non-zero)


No response object is returned on successful execution of the method call.

The new Auton balance of the recipient account can be returned from state using aut to Get the auton balance.

The new total supply of auton available for minting can be retrieved from state by calling the availableSupply() method.


On a successful call the function emits a Mint event, logging: recipient, amount.

update (ACU Contract)

The Autonomous Currency Unit (ACU) Contract finalization function, called once per Oracle voting round as part of the state finalization function finalize(). The function checks if the Oracle Contract finalize() has initiated a new oracle voting round, if so then:

  • it retrieves the latest prices from the Oracle Contract (i.e. the latest round data)
  • checks price data completeness:
    • if latest prices have been returned for all symbols in the ACU currency basket, then:
      • computes the ACU index value
      • resets the round to the index number of the oracle voting round that computed the retrieved latest prices.
      • returns status of true to the calling Autonity Protocol Contract
    • else if one or more prices are unavailable from the Oracle, it will not compute the ACU value for that round, and returns status of false to the calling Autonity Protocol Contract.






On success the function emits an Updated event for the new ACU value, logging: block.number, block.timestamp, oracle voting round number round, and the ACU index value calculated _value.