Bond and unbond stake

How to bond and unbond stake to validators in an Autonity network

See the staking section to understand the concepts behind bonding and unbonding.


You can only bond stake to a validator that is in an active state at the time of the bonding request. Bonding requests to a validator in a paused, jailed, or jailbound state will revert. This constraint ensures stake can only be delegated to validators in a state eligible for selection to the consensus committee, maximising the amount of bonded stake available to secure the network.

You can determine the state of a validator using the aut validator info command; if the validator is active the state field has the value of 0.

No such state constraint applies to unbonding. You are able to unbond stake from a validator in any state, i.e. 0: active, 1: paused, 2: jailed, 3: jailbound.


Discover registered validators

The validator command is used for operations that interact with validators.

The current set of registered validators in the Autonity network can be queried using the list subcommand:

aut validator list

Details about a specific validator can be queried with the info subcommand:

aut validator info --validator 0x9fd408Bdb83Be1c8504Ff13eBcCe7f490DCCC2cF
  "treasury": "0x040803C4767A28A65e0cc15E4626DF1f7977109c",
  "addr": "0x9fd408Bdb83Be1c8504Ff13eBcCe7f490DCCC2cF",
  "enode": "enode://ad9972b7b23ecfc229323cd243f50c3caf980f5825a6765b102d9e28be2a760b7fd3045790246d1a5836af9a8ea5d2dbcc9b56864f6391504ab376d91d99b13e@",
  "commission_rate": 1000,
  "bonded_stake": 95,
  "total_slashed": 0,
  "liquid_contract": "0x7A4C3b88B944fA2702F19625e9A38107FcbE1db8",
  "liquid_supply": 95,
  "registration_block": 5657271,
  "state": 0

If you interact with a specific validator very frequently, you might consider making it the default by adding an entry such as


to your .autrc file.


As described in Committee member selection the set of validators in the consensus committee is changed at every block epoch. Voting power changes caused by bonding and unbonding stake to a validator are applied at the end of an epoch before the committee selection algorithm for the next epoch’s committee is run.

To get the validators in the current consensus committee use the protocol command get-committee to call:

aut protocol get-committee

Bond Newton to validator

The aut validator bond command creates a transaction that bonds the caller’s newton to a specific validator.

aut validator bond --validator <VALIDATOR_IDENTIFIER_ADDRESS> <AMOUNT> | aut tx sign - | aut tx send -

Bonding requests are not processed until the end of the current epoch. The Newton to be bonded will be deducted from your balance, but your liquid newton balance will not be affected until the epoch end.

(Pending and historical bonding requests can be discovered by listening for NewBondingRequest events emitted by the bond() function.)


Remember to verify your chosen validator is in an active state before attempting to bond stake to it. I.e. when you call aut validator info it returns "state": 0. If you attempt to bond stake to a validator in an inactive state, then the transaction will revert and a BondingRejected event is emitted by the bond() function.

Unbond Newton from validator

The aut validator unbond command creates a transaction that unbonds the caller’s newton from a specific validator.

aut validator unbond --validator <VALIDATOR_IDENTIFIER_ADDRESS> <AMOUNT> | aut tx sign - | aut tx send -

If you are a validator operator unbonding self-bonded stake, then the amount specifies Newton stake token. Otherwise, if you are unbonding delegated stake, then the amount is specifying Liquid Newton.

Like bonding requests, unbonding does not complete immediately. The unbonding request will only be effective after the unbonding period, rounded to the next epoch. Newton will then be returned to the caller. See the staking section for further details.

(Pending and historical unbonding requests can be discovered by listening for NewUnbondingRequest events emitted by the unbond() function.)