Liquidate a CDP

How to identify and liquidate a CDP in the Auton Stabilization Mechanism.


Protocol contract calls

The guide uses the aut contract call and aut contract tx commands for contract interactions.

aut contract usage requires that you specify the ABI file and the protocol contract address of the contract being called. To complete the guide you will need to call the Stabilization Contract (Stabilization.abi) with the protocol contract address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f.

The abi files are generated when building the client from source and can be found in your autonity installation directory at ./params/generated/Autonity.abi and ./params/generated/Stabilization.abi. Alternatively, you can generate the ABI using the abigen cmd utility if you built the utility when building from source (See Install Autonity, Build from source code).

The guide explicitly sets the path to the ABI file and contract address to be clear the Stabilization Contract is being called. Note that the ABI file and contract address can be set as defaults in aut’s configuration file .autrc using the contract_address and contract_abi flags:

contract_abi = Stabilization.abi
contract_address = 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f

The guide assumes the ABI files are in the directory from which the aut command is run.

Discover if a CDP is liquidatable

  • get the CDP’s accounts()
  • call isLiquidatable()
  • call underCollateralized()
  • can you call other functions to forecast if it will be liquidatable or under collateralised based on interest due/accruing, or?
    • e.g. if the collateralPrice falls etc
    • i.e. liquidationRatio
    • i.e. collateralizationRatio

Step 1. Get CDP accounts

Query for open CDPs by calling the accounts() function of the Stabilization Contract using the aut contract call command:

aut contract call --abi Stabilization.abi --address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f accounts

An array of open CDPs is returned. For example:

["0x1f790c60D974F5A8f88558CA90F743a71F009641", "0xfd1ac0e99E9BD153F49080A96eb44843211E5C9f", "0xF47FDD88C8f6F80239E177386cC5AE3d6BCdEeEa"]

Step 2. Determine if a CDP is liquidatable

Determine if a CDP is liquidatable by calling the isLiquidatable() function of the Stabilization Contract using the aut contract call command. Pass in parameter:

  • <ACCOUNT>: the CDP account address
aut contract call --abi Stabilization.abi --address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f isLiquidatable <ACCOUNT>

The call will return a boolean value indicating if the CDP is liquidatable or not.

For example, using the results returned from Step 1:

aut contract call --abi Stabilization.abi --address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f isLiquidatable 0xF47FDD88C8f6F80239E177386cC5AE3d6BCdEeEa

false is returned for 0x1f790c60D974F5A8f88558CA90F743a71F009641 - the CDP is not liquidatable.

Step 3. Get CDP economic state

Next, inspect CDP state to understand the economic costs and returns of liquidation - i.e. cost of repaying the debt (principal, accrued interest) and the collateral token that will be transferred to the position’s liquidator.

There are two steps to do this:

Get CDP collateral amount

As described in the Concept page for ASM Stabilization section, for each CDP, the Stabilization Contract records:

  • timestamp: the timestamp of the last borrow or repayment
  • collateral: the collateral deposited with the Stabilization Contract
  • principal: the principal debt outstanding as of timestamp.
  • interest: the interest debt that is due at the timestamp.

The important data point is the collateral amount value as this gives you the economic benefit of liquidating the CDP.

The other data should be ignored. The timestamp reflects the time point that the CDP was last borrowed from or repaid to so the principal and interest data is out of date. To get the current CDP debt amount due you will need to call debtAmount(), which is done in the next step Get CDP debt amount.

CDP state is maintained in memory as a public mapping cdps and may be inspected by calling the getter function automatically generated for it when the Stabilization Contract is compiled.


The cdps getter function definition can be found in the Stabilization.abi file by searching for "name": "cdps".


The cdps function cannot currently be called from aut using the aut contract call command. This is a known issue logged as an GitHub issue AssertionError on returning tuple #37.

The auto-generated cdps method can be called to return the CDP data, simply passing in the CDP account address as the parameter.

This can be done using a simple script using the web3.eth.contract module to call the cdps function. Where:

  • <RPC_ENDPOINT>: is the HTTP address for the node endpoint being called
  • <ACCOUNT>: is the CDP account address identifier.

from web3 import Web3, HTTPProvider
import json

with open("Stabilization.abi") as f:
    abi = info_json = json.load(f)

w3 = Web3(HTTPProvider('<RPC_ENDPOINT>'))

stabilizationContractAddress = "0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f"
contract_instance = w3.eth.contract(address=stabilizationContractAddress, abi=abi)

# read state: call the cdps function passing in the CDP identifier address <ACCOUNT>:


For example, for the CDP account 0x1f790c60D974F5A8f88558CA90F743a71F009641 it returns:

% python3
[1695737259, 410000024269118276, 300010815663118114, 0]

Get CDP debt amount

The debt of a CDP consists of the Auton borrowed (the ‘principal’) and accrued interest due charged at the borrow interest rate.

To get the current debt owed on a CDP and so the cost of liquidating the CDP, call debtAmount()function of the Stabilization Contract using the aut contract call command. Pass in parameters for:

  • <ACCOUNT>: the CDP account address
  • <TIMESTAMP>: the timestamp at which you want to value the debt. The timestamp is provided as a Unix time value.
aut contract call --abi Stabilization.abi --address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f debtAmount <ACCOUNT> <TIMESTAMP>

The call will return the total amount owed on the CDP, debt + accrued interest. The result is returned as an integer value in ton, Autonity’s equivalent of Ethereum’s wei.

In this example the debt amount for CDP 0x1f790c60D974F5A8f88558CA90F743a71F009641 is returned as 0.3008... ATN at time point October 17 2023 14:16:37 GMT:

ubuntu@vps-c7c3e8c7:~/TEST/autcli$ aut contract call --abi Stabilization.abi --address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f debtAmount 0x1f790c60D974F5A8f88558CA90F743a71F009641 1697552197



Liquidate a CDP

To liquidate a CDP in a liquidatable state submit a liquidate transaction to the liquidate() function of the Stabilization Contract using the aut contract call command. Pass in parameter:

  • <ACCOUNT>: the CDP account address to liquidate
  • <AMOUNT>: the payment amount, sufficient to repay the outstanding debt of the CDP
aut contract tx --address 0x29b2440db4A256B0c1E6d3B4CDcaA68E2440A08f --value <AMOUNT> liquidate <ACCOUNT>

The transaction will revert if the CDP is not liquidatable or the payment is insufficient to repay the debt.

On success, the CDP’s collateral token and any surplus Auton remaining from the payment are transferred to your account.